Types of Statistics
1. Inductive statistics, or statical inference :- condition under inference
2. descriptive or deductive statistics.
1. discrete
2. continue
frequance distribution, class interval, class limits,
class mark : mid point of class
relative frequency distribution : precentage distribution or relative frequency table. : frequency of class divided by total frequency
cumulative frequency and ogives: total frequency upto class upper boundary. "or more", "or less"
relative cumulative frequency : cumulative frequency divided by total frequency.
Averages or Measures of Centeral Tendency
- Arithmetic mean
- Median : midle value
- Mode : greatest frequency
- Geometric Mean : Nth root of multiplication
- Harmonic mean : reciprocal arthmatic mean
- Weighted Arithmetic mean ; arthmatic mean multiply with weight
- Root Mean Square(RMS) or quadratic mean
- Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles
The Standard Deviations
- Dispersion, Variation of the data
- Range
- Mean Deviation
- Standard Deviation : Root mean square deviation
- Variance : square of standard deviation
- Moments
- Skewness
- Kurtosis