How I used perl, what is my understanding about perl. It's not necessary everything is right, what i am writing here. I need comments from reader, so I can improve my understandings.
Command-line arguments
#argument variable
my $arg1 = $ARGV[0];
my $arg_num = $#ARGV+1;
foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) {
print "$ARGV[$argnum]\n";
Include perl module
#!/usr/bin/perl -I module_path
Perl module format or .pm file format.
#first line :
package pakcage_name;
#last line : this means when module load it should return true, otherwise its through compilation error.
#when you want to use any Module
use moudle_name;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
File handling
open(FILEHANDLE,">$filename"); # for overwritting, for append use >>, for reading <
print FILEHANDLE $content # no comma between filehandle and reading or writing variable
open INPUT, "<$filename";
while ( <INPUT> ) { # read line by line
print $_;
subroutines format
sub mysub
my ($param1,$param2) = @_; # one line get all parameter
my $param1 = $_[0]; # get parameter one based on index
$ret; # last statement is default return statement.
print formated output
print <<OUT;
creating XML or Hash format
my $EmployeeDetail = {'Employee'=>[{'Name'=>{'content'=>$emp_name},{'EmpId'=>{'content'=>$id}}}]};
run shell or system command
XML::Simple for xml
my $xs = new XML::Simple(KeyAttr=>[]);
my $xml_data = $xs->XMLin("$xml_file");
if (ref $xml_data->{Employee} eq "HASH"){ #single elements
else{ # multiple elements
my $arr_ref = $xml_data->{Employee};
my $len = scalar @$arr_ref; # find the length of array or elements
foreach my $employee (@$arr_ref)
if ($employee->{Designation} eq "Manager")
print " $employee->{Name}employee is Manager";
#XMLout generate xml format output from hash or array list.
my $xml_data = $xs->XMLout( $xml_employees,
RootName => 'Employees',
NoSort => 1,
KeyAttr => []
#now use file operation to write the $xml_data to file
print FILEHANDLE $xml_data
#This module is use for dumping variable hash array list on STDOUT for debug purpose.
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
my( $file, $line )= ( caller )[1,2];
my $caller_sub = ( caller(2) )[3];
if (!defined ( $caller_sub))
$caller_sub = "main";
print STDERR "$file:$line:".strftime('%D %T',localtime).":$_[0]\n";
if($text =~m/windows/i) #text contain windows ignore case
if($text =~s/windows/unix/) #text substitue windows with unix
if($text =~ m/(.*\/)(.*)$/)
my $directory = $1;
my $filename = $2;
print "D=$directory, F=$filename\n";
use POSIX;
POSIX::setsid or die "setsid: $!";
my $pid = fork ();
if ($pid < 0) {
print STDERR "die main ";
die "fork: $!";
} elsif ($pid) {
print STDERR "exit pid : $pid";
exit 0;
umask 0;
foreach (0 .. (POSIX::sysconf (&POSIX::_SC_OPEN_MAX) || 1024))
{ POSIX::close $_ }
open (STDIN, "</dev/null");
open (STDOUT, ">/dev/null");
open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
Perl Regular Expressions
Command-line arguments
#argument variable
my $arg1 = $ARGV[0];
my $arg_num = $#ARGV+1;
foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) {
print "$ARGV[$argnum]\n";
Check perl file syntax
perl -c!/usr/bin/perl -I module_path
Perl module format or .pm file format.
#first line :
package pakcage_name;
#last line : this means when module load it should return true, otherwise its through compilation error.
#when you want to use any Module
use moudle_name;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
File handling
open(FILEHANDLE,">$filename"); # for overwritting, for append use >>, for reading <
print FILEHANDLE $content # no comma between filehandle and reading or writing variable
open INPUT, "<$filename";
while ( <INPUT> ) { # read line by line
print $_;
remove duplicate/get unique lines from file
my %lines;
open INFILE, "dupfile.txt" or die "Couldn't open file: $!";
my $n=0, $nn=0;
my $line = $_;
$n =$n+1;
if ( !exists $lines{$line}){
$nn = $nn+1;
foreach $id (keys %lines){
print STDOUT $id;
print STDOUT "lines ".$n." users ".$nn."\n";
subroutines format
sub mysub
my ($param1,$param2) = @_; # one line get all parameter
my $param1 = $_[0]; # get parameter one based on index
$ret; # last statement is default return statement.
print formated output
print <<OUT;
creating XML or Hash format
my $EmployeeDetail = {'Employee'=>[{'Name'=>{'content'=>$emp_name},{'EmpId'=>{'content'=>$id}}}]};
run shell or system command
- my $ouptput = `ls`; #use backtick
- my $output = system("command");
XML::Simple for xml
my $xs = new XML::Simple(KeyAttr=>[]);
my $xml_data = $xs->XMLin("$xml_file");
if (ref $xml_data->{Employee} eq "HASH"){ #single elements
else{ # multiple elements
my $arr_ref = $xml_data->{Employee};
my $len = scalar @$arr_ref; # find the length of array or elements
foreach my $employee (@$arr_ref)
if ($employee->{Designation} eq "Manager")
print " $employee->{Name}employee is Manager";
#XMLout generate xml format output from hash or array list.
my $xml_data = $xs->XMLout( $xml_employees,
RootName => 'Employees',
NoSort => 1,
KeyAttr => []
#now use file operation to write the $xml_data to file
print FILEHANDLE $xml_data
#This module is use for dumping variable hash array list on STDOUT for debug purpose.
a simple log routine for error or debug loging
sub log_msg{
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
my( $file, $line )= ( caller )[1,2];
my $caller_sub = ( caller(2) )[3];
if (!defined ( $caller_sub))
$caller_sub = "main";
print STDERR "$file:$line:".strftime('%D %T',localtime).":$_[0]\n";
getting caller filename and line number
my( $file, $line )= ( caller )[1,2];create directory
File::Path::mkpath($dir_path) ;check file exist or not
if( -e $filename) # file name with pathcheck is this file
if(-f $filename)string match
if($text =~m/windows/) #text contain windowsif($text =~m/windows/i) #text contain windows ignore case
if($text =~s/windows/unix/) #text substitue windows with unix
how to do simple parsing and get the output in different variables like $1,$2
my($text) = "/home/viru/mycodes/perlCode/";if($text =~ m/(.*\/)(.*)$/)
my $directory = $1;
my $filename = $2;
print "D=$directory, F=$filename\n";
create a daemon routine in perl
sub daemonize {use POSIX;
POSIX::setsid or die "setsid: $!";
my $pid = fork ();
if ($pid < 0) {
print STDERR "die main ";
die "fork: $!";
} elsif ($pid) {
print STDERR "exit pid : $pid";
exit 0;
umask 0;
foreach (0 .. (POSIX::sysconf (&POSIX::_SC_OPEN_MAX) || 1024))
{ POSIX::close $_ }
open (STDIN, "</dev/null");
open (STDOUT, ">/dev/null");
open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
Referances :
O'Reilly's Programming Perl Regular Expressions
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